How To Make It Through Holiday Party Season Without A Note In Your HR File

Your office holiday party should be a celebration of a year of hard work! Even though it’s a fun event, you still need to make sure your behavior at the party won’t impact your job. These are our top tips for making sure you get through your office party without a warning from HR.

What to Wear

Remember that although it’s a party, it’s still a work-related event. So an outfit that you might wear to a friend’s Christmas party or a night out on the town probably shouldn’t be worn to work functions. Think professional yet fun.

Also, dress codes can vary depending on the event. One of our HR experts, Ashley says, “I always advise that if you wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing it at the office, then maybe you shouldn’t wear it at the holiday party. And, of course, the same guidelines at the office, such as no offensive items or political related items, should still apply.”

Watch Your Alcohol Intake

If your employer is serving alcohol at an event, it’s important to limit your intake. We all know too many drinks can lead to altered judgement, and you don’t want your actions while uninhibited to lead to you being unemployed. One of our HR experts, Damona recommends that employers provide drink tickets. This helps to ensure the bar service at the party knows when to cut people off.

Also, remember not to drink and drive. Ashely is a big fan of companies who provide transportation services for their party guests. “It is very easy to open a corporate account with companies like Lyft and Uber and provide employees instructions on how to utilize the company account. This is almost a must in my book.”

Network. Network. Network.

Office events are a great place to socialize with your colleagues. Take this opportunity to mix and mingle with other coworkers outside of your normal group including people higher up at your company. Damona says, “I think it’s important to get to know everyone at an office party. Spend time with higher ups, but don’t monopolize their time since they more than likely have many employees that they will try to speak with.”

If you’re not sure what to discuss besides work, you can start with talking about the holiday season. “Try not to talk about work or upcoming deadlines. Also, make sure not to bring up topics that may be sensitive in conversations” Damona advises.

Your Plus One

If you’re not sure if guests are allowed, make sure to ask first. If you are allowed to bring a plus one to your office party, choose wisely when deciding who to ask!

Keep in mind that their behavior reflects on you. Ashley says, “you are absolutely responsible for the behavior of your guest. Should they start behaving badly, it would be your responsibility to remove them and/or prevent any negative situations.” You can remind your guest before the party to follow the same rule you’re expected to adhere to at office events.

Politics Will Probably Come Up

Although we don’t recommend bringing up political conversations at your holiday party, they’re likely to come up throughout the event. Navigating these conversations appropriately requires attention and careful listening. We recommend working the conversation into a related topic, steering it away from politics when the opportunity arises.

Avoid an HR Nightmare

Some employers send out friendly reminders about expected behavior prior to the party. Make sure to read it over before the party starts. Also, simply understanding your company’s culture around outside-of-work events can help avoid an office party turning into an HR nightmare.

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