This Thursday, our founder Amy Bakay, along with Todd Wallace Attorney/Founder of Wallace Meyaski Attorneys at Law, and our HR Consultants gave an informative webinar for small businesses affected by the current COVID-19 Pandemic. This disruption in business practices is completely unprecedented and is changing day by day. During this time we can’t plan and prepare, instead we must adapt to the current climate and changes as they occur.
The US has been hit particularly hard with cases of COVID-19, and with many states requiring businesses to halt and people to stay home, employment has been greatly affected as well. With unemployment claims rising to over 3 million in recent weeks, it’s clear businesses are forced into making tough decisions with their workforce.
Changes in staffing are critical at this time. Todd Wallace recommends that small business owners work with their HR contact, as well as an employment lawyer, and their accountant or CPA during this time. A team effort is required to ensure all decisions are legal, and they can advise you on the financial implications of some of the decisions you’ll be making, especially with the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) in mind.
This act will go into effect on April first and will potentially create a significant financial impact on small businesses. The webinar digs deep into these changes in legislation that greatly impact small businesses.
We want to ensure that our business community remains strong during this challenging time. Please reach out and email us at askhrnola@hrnola.com for help!
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