Now that we’ve spent a few weeks in 2019, it’s time to really take a look at how we should shape our resolutions for the remainder of the year. The HR Nola staff is constantly committed to continuing to grow not only on its own, but with the clients that we serve. Our staff has compiled a list of HR resolutions for themselves and their clients that we think can serve as some key inspiration for your business. Let’s check them out!
It’s important to continue professional development far into our business careers. Our staff member, Jake Dufour, reminds us that even when it’s easy to put it off, keeping up with our industry trends is paramount to keeping up with today’s problems and solutions
My HR resolution for 2019 is to make more time for professional reading. It is a great way to gain new perspectives, spark new ideas, and motivate yourself. With to-do lists, reminders, and calendars on multiple devices, it is easy to push reading professional publications, books, and articles to the next day (or week). This year, I am carving out designated times each week to sit down and read.
It can also be hard to keep up with other business leaders in our own community. HR Nola staffer Chris Freeman reminds us of the importance of building those key relationships, especially in a new year.
My resolution is to build relationships with key business leaders that we support. It is critical that human resources professionals know and learn about the businesses that they support. It is also helpful to build relationships with key individuals that support these businesses. If we communicate effectively the importance of human capital and how our policies and programs can support goals, then we can help businesses of all shapes and sizes thrive.
It’s also important to keep a finger on the pulse of the ever changing employment law landscape. HR Nola member Molly Bruner reminds us:
It’s important that we as HR professionals and business owners stay ahead of potential law changes while refreshing our existing law knowledge each year. These laws exist to serve businesses and their employees, and it’s important, especially as an HR practitioner, to keep up with how these laws can affect our clients.
Finally, HR Staffer Ashley Sorrells is committed to helping others in her industry grow. It is a great way to not only network with the future of your industry, but also to pay your success forward.
I want to help foster the next generation of HR by working with colleges and college students in the area. By sharing my knowledge, I not only give the benefits that I received during my initial career growth, but I also gain an understanding of the next generation of HR professional’s directions and mindsets.
HR Nola is committed to helping your business grow and set realistic goals and resolutions for your business in 2019. Call us today at 833.HRNola.1 or visit us at to get started!
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